Events structure

The following section will explain the structure of an event.

Defining events

In Touch Portal there are events which will be triggered when a certain state changes. You can create events for the plugin as well.

  "name":"On breakfast eating",
  "format":"When we eat $val as breakfast",
  "valueChoices": [
Attribute Type Mandatory From version Description
id Text yes 1.0 This is the id of the event. When the event is triggered, Touch Portal will send this information to the plugin with this id.
name Text yes 1.0 This is the name in the action category list.
format Text yes 1.0 This is the text the action will show in the user generated action list. The $val location will be changed with a dropdown holding the choices that the user can make for the status.
type Text Yes 1.0 Currently the only option here is "communicate" which indicates that the value will be communicated through the sockets.
valueChoices Collection Yes 1.0 These are all the options the user can select in the event.
valueType Text Yes 1.0 Currently the only option here is "choice" which indicates that the type of event will be an dropdown with predefined values.
valueStateId Text Yes 1.0 Reference to a state. When this states changes, this event will be evaluated and possibly triggered if the condition is correct.